Book Project
Vasilopoulos, P. Key Topics in Political Psychology, under contract with the British Psychological Society & Routledge, expected in 2024
Publications in Peer Reviewed Journals
Vasilopoulos, P. & J. Robinson. (2024) "Authoritarianism, Political Attitudes, and Vote Choice: A Longitudinal Analysis of the UK Electorate", Political Behavior
McAvay, H. & P. Vasilopoulos (2024). "Do Neighborhoods Empower or Disenfranchise? Residential Segregation and Voter Registration in France", Journal of Politics, 86 (4) , 1277-1290.
Langer, M., Vasilopoulos, P. & J.T. Jost (2023). Does System Justification Promote Establishment Voting? Mainstream Politics in France, Germany, and the United Kingdom. Political Psychology, 44 (3), 551-581.
Vasilopoulos, P., McAvay, H., Brouard. S., & M. Foucault. (2023). "Emotions, Governmental Trust, and Support for the Restriction of Civil Liberties during the Covid-19 Pandemic", European Journal of Political Research, 62 (2), 422-442.*
*Top cited article at the European Journal of Political Research 2022-2023
Sylvain, B., Foucault, M., Michel, E., Becher, M., Vasilopoulos, P., Bono, P. H., & Sormani, N. (2022). "Citizens' Attitudes Under Covid19: a Cross-country Panel Survey of Public Opinion in 11 Democracies". Scientific Data. 9 (108).
Vasilopoulos, P., McAvay, H. and S. Brouard (2022). "Residential Context and the Far Right: The Impact of Immigration and Unemployment on the 2017 French Presidential Election", Political Behavior, 44 (4), 1703-1730.
Brouard, S., Vasilopoulos, P., Gorohouna, S., Honnige, C., & E. Kerrouche. (2021) "Emotions and Voting Behavior in Self-determination Referendums The case of New Caledonia in 2018". Electoral Studies, 69.
Vasilopoulos P. & J.T. Jost. (2020). "Psychological Similarities and Dissimilarities between Left-Wing and Right-Wing Populists: Evidence from a Nationally Representative Survey in France". Journal of Research in Personality, 88.
Brouard, S., Vasilopoulos, P. & M. Becher. (2020). "Sociodemographic and psychological correlates of compliance with the Covid-19 public health measures in France". Canadian Journal of Political Science, 53 (2), 253-258.
Langer, M., Vasilopoulos, P., McAvay, H., & J.T. Jost. (2020). "System justification in France: Liberté, égalité, fraternité". Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 34, 185-191.
Vasilopoulos, P. and S. Brouard (2020). "System Justification and Affective Responses to Terrorism: Evidence from the November 2015 Paris Attacks", Political Psychology, 41 (3), 569-586.
Vasilopoulos, P., Marcus, G.E., N. Valentino, and M. Foucault. (2019). "Anger and Authoritarianism Mediate the Effects of Fear on Support for the Far Right- A Rejoinder", Political Psychology, 40 (4), 713-717 .
*Vasilopoulos, P., Marcus, G.E., N. Valentino, and M. Foucault. (2019) "Fear, Anger, and Voting for the Far right: Evidence from the November 13, 2015 Paris Terror Attacks", Political Psychology, 40 (4), 679-704.
*Winner of the American Political Science Association Frank L. Wilson award for best paper on French politics
Marcus, G.E., Valentino, N., Vasilopoulos, P. and M. Foucault. (2019). “Applying the Theory of Affective Intelligence to Support for Authoritarian Policies and Parties”, Advances in Political Psychology, 40 (S1), p. 109-139.
Vasilopoulos, P. and R. Lachat. (2018) "Authoritarianism and Political Choice in France", Acta Politica, 53 (4), 612-634.
S. Brouard, P. Vasilopoulos, and M. Foucault. (2018). "How Terrorism Affects Political Attitudes: France in the Aftermath of the 2015-2016 Attacks", West European Politics, 41 (5), 1073-1099.
*Vasilopoulos,P., Marcus, G.E. and M.Foucault. (2018). "Emotional Responses to the Charlie Hebdo Attacks: Addressing the Authoritarianism Puzzle", Political Psychology, 39 (3), 557-575.
*Selected for inclusion in a virtual issue with the top cited articles published in Political Psychology (2016-2018)
Vasilopoulos, P. (2018). "Terrorist Events, Emotional Reactions and Political Participation: The 2015 Paris Attacks", West European Politics, 41 (1), 102-127.
Botetzagias, I. and P. Vasilopoulos. (2015). "Climbing to the rooftop, falling off yet landing on one’s feet (and finding a wallet on the pavement?): the electoral fate of the Greek Ecogreens (2004-2015)", South European Society and Politics, 20 (4), 573-590.
Vasilopoulos, Pavlos, Beaudonnet Laurie and Bruno Cautrés. (2015). “A Red Letter Day: Investigating the Renaissance of the French Far Left in the 2012 Presidential Election”. French Politics, 13 (2), 121-140.
Bedock, Camile and Pavlos Vasilopoulos. (2015). “Economic Hardship and Extreme Voting under the Economic Crisis: A Comparison between Italy and Greece”, Revue Européenne des Sciences Sociales / European Journal of Social Sciences. Special issue on the 2014 European Parliament Elections (eds. Nonna Mayer and Nicolas Sauger), 53 (1), 177-196.
Beaudonnet, Laurie and Pavlos Vasilopoulos (2014). "Green Parties in Hard Times: The Case of the EELV in the 2012 French Presidential Election", Party Politics, 20 (2), 275-285.
Vasilopoulos, Pavlos and Nicolas Demertzis. (2013) "The Greek Green Voter: Environmentalism or Protest?", Environmental Politics, 22 (5), 728-38.
Vasilopoulos, Pavlos and Christoforos Vernardakis. (2011). "Electoral Abstention in Greece: 2000-2009", Science and Society, 27, 1-24 [In Greek]
Chapters in Edited Volumes
Vasilopoulos, P. (2019). "Affective Intelligence and Emotional Dimensions of Political Decision-Making Processes". In Oxford Encyclopedia of Political Decision-Making. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Foucault, M and P. Vasilopoulos. (2019)."Les électeurs votent aussi selon leur personnalité". In Muxel, A. and B. Cautrès (eds.) Histoire d’une Revolution Electorale (2015-2018). Paris: Garnier, pp. 75-85.
Vasilopoulos, P. and G.E. Marcus. (2017). "Psychologie politique - Deux voies vers la droite : enjeux, émotions et vote FN". In Olivier Filleule, Camille Hamidi, Florence Haegel, Vincent Tiberj (eds.), Sociologie plurielle des comportements politiques, Paris, presses de sciences po. Paris: Presses de Sciences Po, pp. 289-320.
Gemenis, K. and P. Vasilopoulos. (2016). "The Platform and Ideology of the Greek Green Party", in Botetzagias, I. and W. Rudig , eds. Green Parties. Athens: Green Institute, pp. 331-348. [In Greek]
Cinalli, M. and P. Vasilopoulos. (2015). “French Youth in Times of Austerity: Unemployment, Psychological Factors and Political Engagement”, in Giugni, M. and M.T. Grasso (eds.) Austerity and Protest: Popular Contention in Times of Economic Crisis. Surrey: Ashgate.
Delis, A., K. Gavatha, A. Kiayias, Ch. Koutalakis, G. Sotirellis, E. Nikolakopoulos, L. Paschos, P. Vasilopoulos et al. "Pressing the Button for European Elections 2014: Public attitudes towards Verifiable E-Voting In Greece.". In Krimmer, R., Volkamer, M. (eds.) Proceedings of Electronic Voting 2014 (EVOTE2014), Tallinn: TUT Press, pp. 129-138.
Chondros, N. A. Delis, D. Gavatha, A. Kiayias, Ch. Koutalakis, I. Nicolacopoulos, P. Vasilopoulos et al. (2014). “Electronic Voting Systems – From Theory to Implementation”. In Sideridis, A.B., Kardasiadou, Z., Yialouris, C.P., Zorkadis, V. (eds.) E-Democracy, Security, Privacy and Trust in a Digital World. New York: Springer, pp. 113-122.
Vasilopoulos, P. (2011). The Impact of Political Sophistication on Ideology, Values and Cognitive Heuristics, in Vernardakis, Ch. (ed.) Public Opinion in Greece 2008-2010. Athens: Savalas, pp. 101-122 [In Greek]
Manuscripts under Review & in Progress
Vasilopoulos, P. & H. McAvay "Immigration Status, Ethnicity, and Attitudes toward Immigration in Britain" (under review)
Robinson, J., Vasilopoulos, P. & S. Vasilopoulou. "Does the accumulation of assets shape voting preferences? Evidence from a Longitudinal Study in Britain" (revise & resubmit)
McAvay, H. & P. Vasilopoulos "Residential Location and Attitudes toward Immigration in Great Britain: Compositional or Contextual Effects? (under review)
Invited Talks & Seminars
Centre of Institutions and Political Behaviour, University of Durham, October 2023
Global Diversity Lab, MIT, February 2023 (online)
Laboratory of Psychology, University of Bordeaux, June 2022 (online)
Institute for Social Research, University of Oslo, October 2021 (online)
Research Chair in Electoral Studies, University of Montreal, March 2021 (online)
Political Behaviour Colloquium, European University Institute, March 2021 (online)
Department of Economics, University of York, UK, March 2020 (online)
Department of Politics, University of York, UK, May 2019
Institute for Social Research, University of Oslo, Norway, March 2019
Department of Social and Political Sciences, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain, March 2019
Department of Cognitive Studies, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France, October 2018.
Department of Political Science, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May 2018.
Department of International Politics, City University London, London, UK, April 2018.
National Center for Social Research, Athens, Greece, December 2017.
Center for Political Research (CEVIPOF), Sciences Po, Paris, France, October 2017.
Department of Political Science and History, Panteion University, Athens, Greece, May 2017.
Political Behavior Seminar, Sciences Po, Paris, France, December 2016.
Doctoral School, Sciences Po, Paris, France, November 2016.
Canada Research Chair for Electoral Studies, University of Montreal, Montreal, Canada, November 2013.
Vasilopoulos, P. Key Topics in Political Psychology, under contract with the British Psychological Society & Routledge, expected in 2024
Publications in Peer Reviewed Journals
Vasilopoulos, P. & J. Robinson. (2024) "Authoritarianism, Political Attitudes, and Vote Choice: A Longitudinal Analysis of the UK Electorate", Political Behavior
McAvay, H. & P. Vasilopoulos (2024). "Do Neighborhoods Empower or Disenfranchise? Residential Segregation and Voter Registration in France", Journal of Politics, 86 (4) , 1277-1290.
Langer, M., Vasilopoulos, P. & J.T. Jost (2023). Does System Justification Promote Establishment Voting? Mainstream Politics in France, Germany, and the United Kingdom. Political Psychology, 44 (3), 551-581.
Vasilopoulos, P., McAvay, H., Brouard. S., & M. Foucault. (2023). "Emotions, Governmental Trust, and Support for the Restriction of Civil Liberties during the Covid-19 Pandemic", European Journal of Political Research, 62 (2), 422-442.*
*Top cited article at the European Journal of Political Research 2022-2023
Sylvain, B., Foucault, M., Michel, E., Becher, M., Vasilopoulos, P., Bono, P. H., & Sormani, N. (2022). "Citizens' Attitudes Under Covid19: a Cross-country Panel Survey of Public Opinion in 11 Democracies". Scientific Data. 9 (108).
Vasilopoulos, P., McAvay, H. and S. Brouard (2022). "Residential Context and the Far Right: The Impact of Immigration and Unemployment on the 2017 French Presidential Election", Political Behavior, 44 (4), 1703-1730.
Brouard, S., Vasilopoulos, P., Gorohouna, S., Honnige, C., & E. Kerrouche. (2021) "Emotions and Voting Behavior in Self-determination Referendums The case of New Caledonia in 2018". Electoral Studies, 69.
Vasilopoulos P. & J.T. Jost. (2020). "Psychological Similarities and Dissimilarities between Left-Wing and Right-Wing Populists: Evidence from a Nationally Representative Survey in France". Journal of Research in Personality, 88.
Brouard, S., Vasilopoulos, P. & M. Becher. (2020). "Sociodemographic and psychological correlates of compliance with the Covid-19 public health measures in France". Canadian Journal of Political Science, 53 (2), 253-258.
Langer, M., Vasilopoulos, P., McAvay, H., & J.T. Jost. (2020). "System justification in France: Liberté, égalité, fraternité". Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 34, 185-191.
Vasilopoulos, P. and S. Brouard (2020). "System Justification and Affective Responses to Terrorism: Evidence from the November 2015 Paris Attacks", Political Psychology, 41 (3), 569-586.
Vasilopoulos, P., Marcus, G.E., N. Valentino, and M. Foucault. (2019). "Anger and Authoritarianism Mediate the Effects of Fear on Support for the Far Right- A Rejoinder", Political Psychology, 40 (4), 713-717 .
*Vasilopoulos, P., Marcus, G.E., N. Valentino, and M. Foucault. (2019) "Fear, Anger, and Voting for the Far right: Evidence from the November 13, 2015 Paris Terror Attacks", Political Psychology, 40 (4), 679-704.
*Winner of the American Political Science Association Frank L. Wilson award for best paper on French politics
Marcus, G.E., Valentino, N., Vasilopoulos, P. and M. Foucault. (2019). “Applying the Theory of Affective Intelligence to Support for Authoritarian Policies and Parties”, Advances in Political Psychology, 40 (S1), p. 109-139.
Vasilopoulos, P. and R. Lachat. (2018) "Authoritarianism and Political Choice in France", Acta Politica, 53 (4), 612-634.
S. Brouard, P. Vasilopoulos, and M. Foucault. (2018). "How Terrorism Affects Political Attitudes: France in the Aftermath of the 2015-2016 Attacks", West European Politics, 41 (5), 1073-1099.
*Vasilopoulos,P., Marcus, G.E. and M.Foucault. (2018). "Emotional Responses to the Charlie Hebdo Attacks: Addressing the Authoritarianism Puzzle", Political Psychology, 39 (3), 557-575.
*Selected for inclusion in a virtual issue with the top cited articles published in Political Psychology (2016-2018)
Vasilopoulos, P. (2018). "Terrorist Events, Emotional Reactions and Political Participation: The 2015 Paris Attacks", West European Politics, 41 (1), 102-127.
Botetzagias, I. and P. Vasilopoulos. (2015). "Climbing to the rooftop, falling off yet landing on one’s feet (and finding a wallet on the pavement?): the electoral fate of the Greek Ecogreens (2004-2015)", South European Society and Politics, 20 (4), 573-590.
Vasilopoulos, Pavlos, Beaudonnet Laurie and Bruno Cautrés. (2015). “A Red Letter Day: Investigating the Renaissance of the French Far Left in the 2012 Presidential Election”. French Politics, 13 (2), 121-140.
Bedock, Camile and Pavlos Vasilopoulos. (2015). “Economic Hardship and Extreme Voting under the Economic Crisis: A Comparison between Italy and Greece”, Revue Européenne des Sciences Sociales / European Journal of Social Sciences. Special issue on the 2014 European Parliament Elections (eds. Nonna Mayer and Nicolas Sauger), 53 (1), 177-196.
Beaudonnet, Laurie and Pavlos Vasilopoulos (2014). "Green Parties in Hard Times: The Case of the EELV in the 2012 French Presidential Election", Party Politics, 20 (2), 275-285.
Vasilopoulos, Pavlos and Nicolas Demertzis. (2013) "The Greek Green Voter: Environmentalism or Protest?", Environmental Politics, 22 (5), 728-38.
Vasilopoulos, Pavlos and Christoforos Vernardakis. (2011). "Electoral Abstention in Greece: 2000-2009", Science and Society, 27, 1-24 [In Greek]
Chapters in Edited Volumes
Vasilopoulos, P. (2019). "Affective Intelligence and Emotional Dimensions of Political Decision-Making Processes". In Oxford Encyclopedia of Political Decision-Making. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Foucault, M and P. Vasilopoulos. (2019)."Les électeurs votent aussi selon leur personnalité". In Muxel, A. and B. Cautrès (eds.) Histoire d’une Revolution Electorale (2015-2018). Paris: Garnier, pp. 75-85.
Vasilopoulos, P. and G.E. Marcus. (2017). "Psychologie politique - Deux voies vers la droite : enjeux, émotions et vote FN". In Olivier Filleule, Camille Hamidi, Florence Haegel, Vincent Tiberj (eds.), Sociologie plurielle des comportements politiques, Paris, presses de sciences po. Paris: Presses de Sciences Po, pp. 289-320.
Gemenis, K. and P. Vasilopoulos. (2016). "The Platform and Ideology of the Greek Green Party", in Botetzagias, I. and W. Rudig , eds. Green Parties. Athens: Green Institute, pp. 331-348. [In Greek]
Cinalli, M. and P. Vasilopoulos. (2015). “French Youth in Times of Austerity: Unemployment, Psychological Factors and Political Engagement”, in Giugni, M. and M.T. Grasso (eds.) Austerity and Protest: Popular Contention in Times of Economic Crisis. Surrey: Ashgate.
Delis, A., K. Gavatha, A. Kiayias, Ch. Koutalakis, G. Sotirellis, E. Nikolakopoulos, L. Paschos, P. Vasilopoulos et al. "Pressing the Button for European Elections 2014: Public attitudes towards Verifiable E-Voting In Greece.". In Krimmer, R., Volkamer, M. (eds.) Proceedings of Electronic Voting 2014 (EVOTE2014), Tallinn: TUT Press, pp. 129-138.
Chondros, N. A. Delis, D. Gavatha, A. Kiayias, Ch. Koutalakis, I. Nicolacopoulos, P. Vasilopoulos et al. (2014). “Electronic Voting Systems – From Theory to Implementation”. In Sideridis, A.B., Kardasiadou, Z., Yialouris, C.P., Zorkadis, V. (eds.) E-Democracy, Security, Privacy and Trust in a Digital World. New York: Springer, pp. 113-122.
Vasilopoulos, P. (2011). The Impact of Political Sophistication on Ideology, Values and Cognitive Heuristics, in Vernardakis, Ch. (ed.) Public Opinion in Greece 2008-2010. Athens: Savalas, pp. 101-122 [In Greek]
Manuscripts under Review & in Progress
Vasilopoulos, P. & H. McAvay "Immigration Status, Ethnicity, and Attitudes toward Immigration in Britain" (under review)
Robinson, J., Vasilopoulos, P. & S. Vasilopoulou. "Does the accumulation of assets shape voting preferences? Evidence from a Longitudinal Study in Britain" (revise & resubmit)
McAvay, H. & P. Vasilopoulos "Residential Location and Attitudes toward Immigration in Great Britain: Compositional or Contextual Effects? (under review)
Invited Talks & Seminars
Centre of Institutions and Political Behaviour, University of Durham, October 2023
Global Diversity Lab, MIT, February 2023 (online)
Laboratory of Psychology, University of Bordeaux, June 2022 (online)
Institute for Social Research, University of Oslo, October 2021 (online)
Research Chair in Electoral Studies, University of Montreal, March 2021 (online)
Political Behaviour Colloquium, European University Institute, March 2021 (online)
Department of Economics, University of York, UK, March 2020 (online)
Department of Politics, University of York, UK, May 2019
Institute for Social Research, University of Oslo, Norway, March 2019
Department of Social and Political Sciences, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain, March 2019
Department of Cognitive Studies, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France, October 2018.
Department of Political Science, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May 2018.
Department of International Politics, City University London, London, UK, April 2018.
National Center for Social Research, Athens, Greece, December 2017.
Center for Political Research (CEVIPOF), Sciences Po, Paris, France, October 2017.
Department of Political Science and History, Panteion University, Athens, Greece, May 2017.
Political Behavior Seminar, Sciences Po, Paris, France, December 2016.
Doctoral School, Sciences Po, Paris, France, November 2016.
Canada Research Chair for Electoral Studies, University of Montreal, Montreal, Canada, November 2013.